Small Group Facilitator Intention 2023
Fill out this form to indicate your intention or willingness to co-facilitate a UCV theme-based Covenant Group in 2023 or beyond.
This address will receive a confirmation email
I would like to co-facilitate a theme based Covenant Group at UCV
Please select all that apply.
Nov 2023--June 2024
In a future year
I am interested in forming a different type of small group or workshop, let's talk more
I am available to facilitate a group meeting monthly at the following general times (check all that apply, exact time tbd with co-facilitator)
Please select all that apply.
weekday morning
weekday afternoon
weekday evening
I am available to facilitate a group meeting monthly at the following locations (check all that apply, exact place tbd with co-facilitator)
Please select all that apply.
in-person UCV
at my or a members home (TBD by group)
multi-platform (UCV + online with tech)
I prefer to facilitate
Please select all that apply.
in-person only
online only
either online or in-person--but not multi-platform
multi-platform--bring it on!
Write in your neighbourhood/area of metro Van
Fill out this form to indicate your intention or willingness to co-facilitate a UCV theme-based Covenant Group in 2023 or beyond.
Please Fix the Following