UU Wellspring: Sources for busy people

UU Wellspring creates sacred space to explore spiritual understandings through the Unitarian Universalist Sources using short videos, readings, and most importantly time for the sharing of ideas.

Each of the eight, 90-minute sessions begins with a check in and sharing of spiritual practices. The session source is introduced and explored through vides, short readings and sharing.
Participant Information

Meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7-8:30 pm, October 26th through February 22, 2023.
See complete calendar at ucv.im/UUW-YA-calendar
Maximum registration: 12
Open to Members and the Public by donation
We request that participants who plan to attend in-person be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by the start of the program (Oct. 26). Masks are recommended and encouraged for indoor gatherings at UCV.
Sessions can be multi-platform in-person/online using Zoom and conference camera tech to facilitate accessibility.
Please select one option.
Please email or call UCV's Lifespan Faith Director, Kiersten Moore, with any questions: 604-261-7204 x4, dre@vancouverunitarians.ca
Program Donations

Lifespan Education is a ministry of Vancouver Unitarians. Costs of administering the program, training and supporting our facilitators, and subscription to UU Wellspring are budgeted for annually. The budget depends on the donations of members and program participants.
Contribution amounts in excess of $20 made for UU Wellspring: Sources for busy people will receive a charitable donation receipt from the Unitarian Church of Vancouver.

Donation is not a prerequisite to participation in UU Wellspring, please enter $0 in the Amount and select "not at this time" in the credit card processing fee menu to bypass electronic payment.

We follow the Canadian Unitarian Council's lead on making our programs accessible. Sliding scale suggestions are designed to allow participants to choose how much they are able to contribute towards support of the program. 

If you are unsure what a fair donation would be for you, check out this graphic and read a few words about sliding scale to think about:

“When I pay more, I know that I am helping others to access the event. When I pay in the middle, I know I am helping the organizers cover costs. And when I pay at the bottom, I know I am letting my community hold me and support me. All of these are wonderful and acceptable ways of participating.”

(Source: Sliding Scale Why, How, and Sorting Out Who)

Alternate payment methods:
enter $0 in the Amount and select "not at this time" in the credit card processing fee menu to bypass electronic payment.

Pay by e-transfer:
 payments@vancouverunitarians.ca  the account has auto-deposit. Include [UU Wellspring ARE] in the memo line.

Paying By Cheque: If you prefer to pay by Cheque please select the "Pay by Cheque" option and "not at this time" for credit card fees in the drop-down menus above to bypass electronic payment.
Cheques should be made out to The Unitarian Church of Vancouver with "UU Wellspring" in the memo line and mailed to:
The Unitarian Church of Vancouver
Attn: Gordon Lowe
949 West 49th Ave
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2T1



UU Wellspring creates sacred space to explore spiritual understandings through the Unitarian Universalist Sources using short videos, readings, and most importantly time for the sharing of ideas.

Each of the eight, 90-minute sessions begins with a check in and sharing of spiritual practices. The session source is introduced and explored through vides, short readings and sharing.