2025 UU Wellspring, Love at the Center: Canadian Religious Professionals

Love at the Center: UU Values and Covenants is a transformational program that will explore the enduring love that is at the core of Unitarian Universalism. You will explore the related values and covenants through the lens of abiding love, building community, acting in faith, rooting in growth, and transforming in love.

As a part of the Canadian religious professionals cohort, we will also be exploring the interplay between Love at the Center and our CUC theological statements: 8 Principles, 6 Sources, and 5 Aspirations. By having this conversation in a heart and spiritually centred structure, we hope to come away with clarity and inspiration on how to lead these conversations amongst Canadian Unitarians and UUs.
Participant Information

The 11-session “Love at the Center: UU Values and Covenants” originally grew out of the work of the Article II Study Commission. It has grown to encompass resources and reflections that will allow each of us to nurture our values and share our experiences and stories to explore and strengthen our faith.  

The facilitators for your program are Revs. Arran Morton and Samaya Oakley. We will be meeting on every second Monday (skipping May long weekend) January 13th through Jun 9th 1.30 pm PT/2.30 pm MT/3.30 pm CT/4.30 ET/5.30 pm AT for 2 hours on Zoom.

Maximum registration: 10
Open to Canadian UU Religious Professionals
Please select one option.
Please email or call VanU's Lifespan Faith Director, Kiersten Moore, with any questions: 604-261-7204 x4, kiersten@vanu.ca
Sliding Scale Program Cost

Sliding scale suggestions are designed to allow participants to choose how much they are able to contribute towards support of the program. 

We recommend that those currently serving a congregation with professional development expenses at the recommended level, pay at the top end of the scale. Students and others with stretched financial responsibilities at the bottom. The amount you pay is up to your discernment.  

If you are unsure what a fair donation would be for you, check out this graphic and read a few words about sliding scale to think about:

“When I pay more, I know that I am helping others to access the event. When I pay in the middle, I know I am helping the organizers cover costs. And when I pay at the bottom, I know I am letting my community hold me and support me. All of these are wonderful and acceptable ways of participating.”

(Source: Sliding Scale Why, How, and Sorting Out Who)

To pay by e-transfer:
Select $0 and "not at this time" to by-pass credit card payment. e-transfer your amount to:
payments@vancouverunitarians.ca  the account has auto-deposit. Include [UU Wellspring ARE] in the memo line.


Love at the Center: UU Values and Covenants is a transformational program that will explore the enduring love that is at the core of Unitarian Universalism. You will explore the related values and covenants through the lens of abiding love, building community, acting in faith, rooting in growth, and transforming in love.

As a part of the Canadian religious professionals cohort, we will also be exploring the interplay between Love at the Center and our CUC theological statements: 8 Principles, 6 Sources, and 5 Aspirations. By having this conversation in a heart and spiritually centred structure, we hope to come away with clarity and inspiration on how to lead these conversations amongst Canadian Unitarians and UUs.