REGISTER NOW: Reconnecting to Life: A Weekend Retreat for Facing the Climate Emergency

Sept 28 - Sept 29, 9am - 5pm | Reconnecting to Life: A Weekend Retreat for Facing the Climate Emergency
Join us for this special weekend retreat

Reconnecting to Life: A Weekend Retreat for Facing the Climate Emergency

with Heather Talbot and Olive Dempsey

Please email Catherine: cathh1[at]gmail[dot]com with any questions about this event.
Program Cost: $75

NOTE: If you are paying by e-transfer or cheque, simply follow the instructions below. 

Please also select 'Not at this time' from the dropdown menu above for credit card fees. You will then be able to click 'Submit' to complete your registration. 

Pay by e-transfer: 
 the account has auto-deposit. Include [Reconnecting to Life] in the memo line.

Paying By Cheque: Cheques should be made out to "Vancouver Unitarians" with "Reconnecting to Life" in the memo line and mailed to:
Vancouver Unitarians
Attn: Gordon Lowe
949 West 49th Ave
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2T1



Sept 28 - Sept 29, 9am - 5pm
Reconnecting to Life: A Weekend Retreat for Facing the Climate Emergency