There are multiple ways you can honour your pledge. (Note that there are additional processing charges for the Canada Helps and PayPal options.)
5.1. Pre-authorized Debit (PAD) from your financial institution - Complete the PAD form by requesting a copy of the form from the office (email: If feasible for you, this is our preferred process (If you are currently using PAD you do not need to submit another form.)
5.3. Interac e-Transfer
Here’s how to send an e-Transfer:
a. Set up Vancouver Unitarians as an e-Transfer payee with your bank.
b. Email the funds to UCV’s main email address:
c. In the memo portion of the document please specify “Pledge 2022-23”
5.4. Text message
Text to (778) 771-1707
You’ll be asked to set up a link to a credit card, debit card or bank account. See instructions on the UCV website under Giving
5.5. Cheque
You can pay by single cheque, or by a series of post-dated cheques. If you pay by post-dated cheque, we will hold onto the cheques until after the date you indicate. Make cheques payable to Vancouver Unitarians or Unitarian Church of Vancouver
5.6. Cash
If you pay by cash, please place the cash in an envelope that is clearly labeled with your name, and mark that you want the funds applied to your pledge. Leave the envelope in the offering basket or deliver it to office admin staff or a Canvass volunteer on a Sunday morning.
5.7. Credit card through PayPal or directly through office (processing fee has been 1.6%)
5.8. Credit card through Canada Helps (processing fee has been 1.6%)
If this is your preferred option:
a. In your browser, go directly to the Canada Helps listing for UCV
b. Follow the instructions there for one-time or monthly giving.